Vacuum optics

Vacuum viewport windows - full range of IR and UV windows for viewports.

Alkor Technologies offer wide selection of optical windows for vacuum viewports. UV, NIR and LWIR vacuum viewport windows can be found in our catalog. Please consider transmssion rate, heating and abrasive conditions when choosing proper material for your viewport window.

Contact our Sales Team for pricing for any custom size and coatings requirements.

Fused Silica and Sapphire viewport are materials for ViS-NIR applications with harsch environment, high temperature and high pressure viewports.

Fused Silica viewports are preferred over glass because of their transparency to ultraviolet radiation, higher abrasion resistance, and low coefficient of thermal expansion which makes them very resistant to thermal shock.

Sapphire viewports are available with view diameters up to 3 inches, and are bakeable to 450˚C. Single crystal, sapphire windows offer excellent transmission from 250 nm to 4 microns.

Silicon, Germanium and ZnSe viewports are optimal for SWIR and LWIR applications. All mentioned viewports can be supplied with optional AR coating for better optical transmssion perfomance in 8-14um range. Thickness of the viewport have to be calculated according to application pressure.

Vacuum viewport

Please use our Excel sheet to calculate thickness of the window by given Diameter and Presssure difference.

Please visit catalog of optical windows for viewports:

CaF2 windows; BaF2 windows;
Germanium windows; KBr windows
Sapphire windows Silicon windows;
ZnSe window; Fused Silica windows (IR and UV grade)
MgF2 windows (VUV grade) NaCl windows
KCl windows  

Please do not hesitate to contact us for pricing for any custom size and coatings requirements of your viewport window.

FAQ: ordering information, delivery and payment terms.

See Also: Silicon optics; Silicon meniscus lenses; ZnSe optics