Materials>>NaCl crystal

SODIUM CHLORIDE: NaCl windows, NaCl polished crystals. NaCl drilled discs.

Alkor Technologies manufactures NaCl optical windows and wedges according to customer's specifications. Maximum available size of NaCl optics: 100 mm Dia x 25 mm Thk. Drilled NaCl windows available!

Check our catalog of NaCl windows or contact Sales Team for more information.

NaCl windows

NaCl windows

NaCl transmission

NaCl transmittance. Sample thickness 10mm.

Sodium Chloride NaCl is used for windows, wedges and prisms where transmission in the range 0.25-16µm is desired. The refractive index varies from about 1.6 to 1.4 in this range. Because of its low absorbtion, Sodium Chloride is being used in high power laser systems.

Polished surfaces of NaCl windows must be protected from moisture by exposing to only a dry atmoshere or by using a heating element to maintain temperature of the NaCl part above the ambient temperature.

NaCl Sodium Chloride windows can be used to a temperature of 400C. NaCl is sensitive to thermal shock and irradiation generates color centers.

Packing: All NaCl optics carefully packaged into plastic boxes with silicagel and sealed with special moisture protective film.

NaCl main properties

Chemical Formula NaCl
Crystal Class Cubic
Lattice Constant, Е 5.65
Molecular Weight 58.45
Density, g/cm3 at 293 K 2.17
Reflection Loss, % for two surfaces at 10 µm 7.5
Dielectric Constant for 102-2.5x1010 Hz
at 298 K
at 358 K

Melting Temperature, K 1070
Thermal Conductivity, W/(m K)
at 80 K
at 289 K
at 400 K

Thermal Expansion, 1/K
at 75 K
at 273 K
at 1000 K

Specific Heat, cal/(g K) at 273 K 0.20
Debye Temperature, K 321
Bandgap, eV 9.0
Solubility, g/100 g H2O at 273 K 35.7
Knoop Hardness 15.2 [110]
18.2 [100]
Young's Modulus, GPa 39.96
Rupture Modulus, GPa 0.00393
Shear Modulus, GPa 8.97
Bulk Modulus, GPa 24.32

NaCl index of refraction

µm No µm No µm No
0.589 1.54427 0.640 1.54141 0.760 1.53682
0.884 1.53395 0.972 1.53253 1.054 1.53153
1.555 1.53815 2.074 1.52736 9.000 1.501
9.500 1.4998 10.60 1.49065 11.40 1.48476
12.50 1.47568 13.50 1.4666 14.60 1.45572
16.00 1.4399 17.80 1.41649 19.80 1.38559
20.57 1.3735 22.30 1.3403