Materials>>Fused Silica

Fused Silica windows, lenses, wedges.

Alkor Technologies - manufacturer of Fused Silica windows, lenses, wedges, prisms and mirrors according to customer demands. Fused Silica windows are made in IR or UV grade.

We supply the following Fused Silica optics:

Please send us your specifications, we will quote it for you within 24 hours.

Fused Silica windows

Fused Silica is available in UV and IR grades for different applications:

Ultraviolet grade (UV) Fused Silica (SiO2) - KU-1

UV Fused Silica KU-1 has high transparency within ultraviolet and visible regions. It has no absorption bands within 170-250 nm wavelength interval. It has an intensive OH-absorption band at 2600-2800nm wavelength range. This grade does not express fluorescence as a result of UV excitation, and is characterized by optical-radiation stability. It is practically free from bubbles and inclusions.

The nearest analogues of quartz glass KU-1 are:

Fused Silica transmission. Window thickness 10mm

KU-1 Fused Silica window: Transmission (10 mm thickness, reflective losses included)

Infrared grade Fused Silica (low OH, water free) KI

IR Fused Silica KI features high transparency within visible and infrared regions. It has no OH-absorption bands within 2600-2800 nm wavelength interval. Extremely low bubble and inclusion content (0.3 defects/100cm3 of defects larger than 200 microns), low-OH (<50ppm OH), low cost.

Infrared grade Fused Silica windows with low "OH" content can be used for applications requiring IR transmission to about 2900-3500nm. IR Fused Silica windows and mirrors made by Alkor Technologies works in European gas analyzers and gas detectors.

Maximum dimensions: Dia400x250mm. Contact us for further information.

IR grade Fused Silica transmission

KI IR Fused Silica windows: Transmission (10 mm thickness, reflective losses included)

For large quantity Heraeus Quartz glass can be requested Infrasil and more.

Fused Silica is used for windows, lenses and prisms in the transmission range 0.16-3.5µm. Fused Silica refractive index varies from 1.55 to 1.40 through the transmission range. It is resistant to scratching and thermal shock.

Fused Silica is suitable for applications in the UV, VIS, IR band and is often used as a viewport window. We provide a large variety of Fused Silica vacuum windows for viewports. AR and Reflective Coatings are available for Fused Silica optics.

Transmission Range : 0.18 to 2.2 μm (3 μm for IR grades)
Refractive Index : 1.47012 at 4 μm (1)
Reflection Loss : 7.0% at 0.4 μm (2 surfaces)
Absorption Coefficient : 10 x 10-6 cm-1 at 1 μm
Reststrahlen Peak : n/a
dn/dT : +11.9 x 10-6 /°C
dn/dμ = 0 : 1.3 μm
Density : 2.203 g/cc
Melting Point : 1600 °C (softening)
Fused Silica Thermal Conductivity : 1.38 W m-1 K-1
Thermal Expansion : 0.55 x 10-6 /°C at 300K
Hardness : Knoop 500 with 200g indenter
Specific Heat Capacity : 703 J Kg-1 K-1
Dielectric Constant : 3.78 at 25GHz
Youngs Modulus (E) : 73.1 GPa
Shear Modulus (G) : 31.2 GPa
Bulk Modulus (K) : 36.7 GPa
Elastic Coefficients : n/a
Apparent Elastic Limit : 55 MPa (7980 psi)
Poisson Ratio : 0.17
Solubility : Insoluble in Water
Molecular Weight : 28.09
Class/Structure : Amorphous glass

Standard Specifications High Precision
Material UV or IR Fused silica
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm +0.00/-0.05mm
Thickness ± 0.10mm ±0.05mm
Surfaces 60/40 20/10
Edges Fine Ground Polished
Flatness ≤5 Fringes 1/10λ
Parallelism ≤ 3 Arc mins 10 Arc seconds