Materials>>Fused Silica>>Fused Silica lenses

Fused Silica lenses, IR or UV grade.

Fused Silica lenses according to customer demands. Plano-convex, bi-convex Fused Silica lenses available in sizes from 1.8 to 80mm diameter with almost any focal length.

Our Fused Silica lenses are available in UV and IR grades for different applications. Please check Fused Silica page for more information about transmission rates and applications.

We supply the following Fused Silica lenses types:

Please send us your specifications, we will quote it for you within 24 hours.

Fused Silica lenses

Fused Silica is used for lenses in the transmission range 0.18-3.5µm. Fused Silica refractive index varies from 1.55 to 1.40 through the transmission range. Fused Silica lenses resistant to scratching and thermal shock, and suitable for large number of laser and optical applications. AR Coatings can be applied on Fused Silica lenses to improve transmission on your laser line or broadband spectrum range.

See also: Fused Silica windows; Sapphire lenses

Fused Silica lenses standard specifications
Material Fused Silica (UV or IR grade)
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm
Thickness ± 0.10mm
Focal length tolerance ±2%
Surface quality 60/40
Surface irregularity 1 λ at 0.63µm
Edges Fine Ground
Clear Aperture 90% of diameter
Centration ≤ 3 Arc mins