Materials>>Fused Silica>>Fused Silica windows

Fused Silica windows, commercial and high precision

Alkor Technologies - manufacturer of custom Fused Silica windows.

High Precision Fused Silica windows:

High precision Fused Silica Windows feature laser-grade surface quality (up to S/D 20/10) and parallelism up to 5 arc sec. In addition, these windows will limit flatness to 1/10λ.

Fused Silica windows available uncoated, or with anti-reflection coatings optimized for UV, visible or IR spectrum. Transmission characteristics and thermal properties make Fused Silica windows an excellent choice for most optical applications. Fused Silica windows are often used as vacuum viewports and sight glasses, mirror substrates, wedged windows and many other.

Check our Fused Silica windows prices and save up to 70% from major optical catalog price! Metric and US sizes are available.

Fused Silica windows

Fused Silica windows: IR or UV grade

Cat# Dia, in Dia, mm Th, in Th, mm
FS-w-12.7-1 0.5 12.7 0.039 1.0
FS-w-12.7-2 0.5 12.7 0.079 2.0
FS-w-25.4-1 1 25.4 0.039 1.0
FS-w-25.4-2 1 25.4 0.079 2.0
FS-w-25.4-3 1 25.4 0.118 3.0
FS-W-31.75-1 1.25 31.75 0.039 1.0
FS-w-38.1-2 1.5 38.1 0.079 2.0
FS-w-38.1-3 1.5 38.1 0.118 3.0
FS-w-50.8-3 2 50.8 0.118 3.0
FS-w-50.8-5 2 50.8 0.197 5.0
FS-w-63.5-6 2.5 63.5 0.236 6.0
FS-w-63.5-8 2.5 63.5 0.315 8.0
FS-w-76.2-6 3 76.2 0.236 6.0
FS-w-76.2-8 3 76.2 0.315 8.0
FS-w-101.6-8 4 101.6 0.315 8.0
FS-152.4-10 6 152.4 0.394 10.0
Large diameter 100-210 mm Fused Silica windows are available upon request.
We do not have online purchasing at present so please contact us by email and order by stock code or if you do not see what you need, contact us and ask. You are assured of a friendly and direct response.

Fused Silica is used for windows, lenses and prisms in the transmission range 0.16-3.5µm. Fused Silica refractive index varies from 1.55 to 1.40 through the transmission range. It is resistant to scratching and thermal shock.

Standard Specifications High Precision
Material UV or IR Fused silica
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm +0.00/-0.05mm
Thickness ± 0.10mm ±0.05mm
Surfaces 60/40 20/10
Edges Fine Ground Polished
Flatness ≤5 Fringes 1/10λ
Parallelism ≤ 3 Arc mins 10 Arc seconds

See also: Protected Aluminum mirrors,Dielectric mirrors, Optical mirrors