Scintillators>>BaF2>>BaF2 scintillator crystal

BARIUM FLUORIDE BaF2 scintilator detector

Barium fluoride (BaF2) is a scintillator showing two wavelengths of emission (310 nm and 295 nm).  BaF2 emission at 220nm has an emission with sub nanosecond decay time interesting for timing applications.

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BaF2 scintillator provides Fast Timing for:

BaF2 scintillator properties:

Density [g/cm3] 4.88
Melting point [K] 16.27
Thermal expansion coefficient [C-1] 18.4 x 10-6
Cleavage plane <111>
Hardness (Mho) 3
Hygroscopic slightly
Wavelength of emission max. [nm] 310
Lower wavelength cutoff [nm] 135
Refractive index @ emission max 150(310nm) 1.54(220nm)
Primary decay time [ns] 630 (slow)
0.6-0.8 (fast)
Light yield [photons/keVγ] 10 (slow)
1.8 (fast)
Photoelectron yield [% of NaI(Tl)] (for γ-rays) 16 (slow)
3 (fast

BaF2 scintillation crystal is presently the fastest known scintillator. The decay time of fast component varies form 600 to 800ps. The self absorbtion of BaF2 is very low so that usage of large BaF2 scintillation crystals is possible.

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