ALKOR Technologies - your CRYSTAL optics supplier.   ALKOR Technologies - your CRYSTAL optics supplier.
ALKOR Technologies - your CRYSTAL optics supplier.
Materials>>CaF2>>CaF2 lenses


Alkor Technologies - manufacturer of custom Calcium Fluoride plano-concave lenses for Ultraviolet and Infrared applications.

We can make lenses from 3 to 80mm diameter with almost any focal length. We have own growth facility for CaF2 crystal growth. That is why we offer Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) plano-concave lenses at very competitive price - up to 60% lower than major online optical catalogs!

Maximum size of CaF2 plano-concave is 76.2mm diameter. Alkor Technologies manufactures VUV grade CaF2 lenses for 193nm and 157nm upon request.

Cat# Dia,in Dia,mm FOC,mm CT,mm R,mm ET,mm
Cf-pc-12.7-25 0.5 12.7 -25.4 1.5 10.209 3.7
Cf-pc-12.7-50 0.5 12.7 -50.8 1.5 20.46 2.5
Cf-pc-25.4-50 1.0 25.4 -50.8 2.0 20.46 6.4
Cf-pc-25.4-63 1.0 25.4 -63.5 2.0 25.59 5.4
Cf-pc-25.4-76 1.0 25.4 -76.2 2.0 30.698 4.8
Cf-pc-25.4-100 1.0 25.4 -100 2.0 40.35 4.0


38.1 -50.8 2.5 20.46 15.5
Cf-pc-38.1-63 1.5 38.1 -63.5 2.5 25.59 11.0
Cf-pc-38.1-76 1.5 38.1 -76.2 2.5 30.698 9.1
Cf-pc-38.1-100 1.5 38.1 -100 2.5 40.35 7.1
Cf-pc-50.8-76 2.0 50.8 -76.2 3.0 30.698 13.0
Cf-pc-50.8-100 2.0 50.8 -100 3.0 40.35 12.0
Cf-pc-50.8-200 2.0 50.8 -200 3.0 80.54 7.1
Cf-pc-50.8-500 2.0 50.8 -500 3.0 200.42 4.6
Any other custom shape, size and focal length are available upon request. We do not have online purchasing at present so please contact us by email and order by stock code or if you do not see what you need, contact us and ask. You are assured of a friendly and direct response.

Calcium Fluoride is used for lenses in transmision range 0.15-9µm. Degradation due to to moisture in the atmosphere is minimal and polished surfaces of the CaF2 lenses may be expected to withstand several years exposure to normal atmospheric conditions. Because of CaF2 low refractive index, Calcium Fluoride can be used without an anti-reflection coating.

FAQ: ordering information, delivery and payment terms.

Standard Specifications
Material CaF2 optical grade (VUV, UV or IR grade)
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm
Thickness ± 0.2mm
Focal length tolerance ±2% at 5 microns
Surface quality 60/40
Surface accuracy 1 λ at 0.63µm
Edges Fine Ground
Clear Aperture 90% of diameter
Centration ≤ 3 Arc mins