ZnSe>>ZnSe lenses

ZnSe lenses (ZnSe CVD). Catalog of plano-convex ZnSe lens.

ZnSe lenses

Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Lenses, which offer high transmission from 0.6-16 μm, are available with a broadband AR coating optimized for 2-13µm and 8-14µm spectral range deposited on both surfaces. This coating can be applied on upon request.

This coating greatly reduces the high surface reflectivity of the substrate. ZnSe lenses are typically used as collimators for laser applications in the 0.6-16.0 μm spectral region. Due to the low absorption coefficient of ZnSe, these Zinc Selenide lenses are also particularly well suited for use with high-power CO2 lasers.

CVD ZnSe plano-convex lens

Cat# Dia, in Dia, mm EFL, mm CT, mm R, mm ET, mm
ZnSe-px-12.7-25 0.5 12.7 25.4 2.6 35.97 2.0
ZnSe-px-12.7-50 0.5 12.7 50.8 2.3 71.46 2.0
ZnSe-px-19.05-25.4 0.75 19.05 25.4 35.97 2.16
ZnSe-px-25.4-50 1.0 25.4 50.8 3.1 71.46 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-63 1.0 25.4 63.5 2.9 89.14 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-76 1.0 25.4 75.0 2.8 106.15 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-100 1.0 25.4 100 2.6 139.96 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-127 1.0 25.4 127 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-150 1.0 25.4 150 2.4 209.91 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-200 1.0 25.4 200 2.3 281.20 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-254 1.0 25.4 254 2.2 356.51 2.0
ZnSe-px-25.4-500 1.0 25.4 500 2.1 698.17 2.0


38.1 50.8 4.6 71.46 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-63 1.5 38.1 63.5 4.1 89.14 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-76 1.5 38.1 75.0 3.7 106.15 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-100 1.5 38.1 100 3.3 139.96 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-150 1.5 38.1 150 2.9 209.91 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-200 1.5 38.1 200 2.6 281.20 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-254 1.5 38.1 254 2.5 356.15 2.0
ZnSe-px-38.1-500 1.5 38.1 500 2.3 698.17 2.0
ZnSe-px-50.8-76 2.0 50.8 76.2 5.6 106.15 2.5
ZnSe-px-50.8-100 2.0 50.8 100 4.8 139.96 2.5
ZnSe-px-50.8-150 2.0 50.8 150 4.0 209.9 2.5
ZnSe-px-50.8-200 2.0 50.8 200 3.7 281.2 2.5
ZnSe-px-50.8-254 2.0 50.8 254 3.4 356.5 2.5
ZnSe-px-50.8-500 2.0 50.8 500 3.0 698.2 2.5
ZnSe-px-76.2-150 3.0 76.2 150 6.5 209.9 3.0
ZnSe-px-76.2-200 3.0 76.2 200 5.6 281.2 3.0
ZnSe-px-76.2-254 3.0 76.2 254 5.1 356.5 3.0
ZnSe-px-76.2-500 3.0 76.2 500 4.0 698.2 3.0
Any other custom shape, size and focal length are available upon request.

Custom ZnSe lenses are available in any size and configuration.

Standard Specifications High Precision
Material ZnSe CVD. IR or laser grade.
Dimensions ± 0.00/-0.10mm +0.00/-0.03mm
Thickness ± 0.10mm ±0.05mm
Focal length tolerance: +/-1% at 10.6microns +/-1% at 10.6microns
Surfaces 60/40 40/20
Edges Fine Ground
Surface irregularity ≤5 Fringes 0.2-0.5 Fringes
Centration 3 Arc mins 1 arc min

Please contact us for pricing for any custom size and coatings requirements.

See Also: Germanium lenses ; Silicon meniscus lenses; ZnSe optics